Thursday, July 4, 2024

June Book Haul

June book haul is in. I didn’t pick up as many as usual but the video I made for our YouTube channel is longer than usual. I guess I had a bunch to say about the books. Here is the video if you don’t feel like reading.

Before we get started on the haul I just wanted to mention, I purchased the brand-new issue of Gary Lovisi’s Paperback Parade. It’s a wonderful fanzine dedicated to classic vintage paperbacks. This one has articles about the Carnival sub-genre, Tiki paperbacks, Venus Romance Digests, Film Noir paperbacks and more. I grabbed mine from Ebay but you can order directly from Gryphon Books.

First up is another grip of books I bought off of a fellow collector in a FB group. He had a bunch of Hawks and I grabbed them all. The only ones I’m now missing are #1, #3, #6 and #10. If you have any of them and would like to sell, I’m buying! Email me at

Cover art by Samson Pollen:

I also grabbed two more of the Kung Fu series

And two Man vs. Mafia books. Soldato no 4 and the Marksman no 3

Next stop was at Bell Book and Comic in Dayton. We are trying to buy a house at the moment (it’s damn near impossible) and we had a few minutes to kill so we stopped in. I have pretty much cleared this place out, but they had a couple new arrivals.

80s horror, Carlisle Street by T.M. Wright

The Undying Wizard by Andrew J Offutt doing Robert E Howard’s character Cormac Macart. Cover art by Jeff Jones.

And another 80s horror but this time a short story collection from author of The Keep, F Paul Wilson.

There is a quarterly Comic and Toy show here at the Wright State University. I’m not into toys at all but my wife collects comics, so we usually go if possible. There is one vendor there who brings paperbacks and man oh man, I’m glad I went. It was rainy Cherry Delights at very fair prices ($5 a piece).

Also grabbed another Gardner F Fox (he created Cherry also) action/sleaze series called The Lady from Lust.

I got this KISS book for my wife. It’s one of her favorite bands. I’m not really into them though they have a couple songs I enjoy.

Was extra excited to find this later edition Lancer King Kull for a couple bucks.

And finally, I scored another E Howard Hunt Fawcett Gold Medal book, The Violent Ones.

We skipped Half Priced Books for a couple months due to striking out a lot lately. This past month we were driving by, and I mean, we might as well stop in and see if they have anything. I found these two beautifully classic looking sci-fi books by Rog Phillips published by Century Books for $10 buck each. I couldn’t find much about the publisher. They were from Chicago and only released about twenty books in the 40s?? Anyone have any information about them? I’d love to know more.

Cover artist: Malcom Smith

They had a Red Sonja for $3. I feel like you never see these for less than $20. I now have numbers 3,4 and 5. It would be great to complete this run also.

I loved how black magic cult this cover of Dorothy Spicer, The Witches Web looked. It reminded me of one of my favorite black and white horror movies, Horror Hotel/ City of the Dead starring Christopher Lee.

Also grabbed a few from the clearance rack.

An anthology centered around Mermaids

The Rat Bastards no 3

And an 87th Precinct, AX. The cover art looks like an old EC Crime comic cover. Stylistically anyway.

I made a quick stop to Bonnetts to grab this hardcover edition of Harry Harrison’s Deathworld Trilogy. I am involved in a collaboration with two other channels on Youtube who like talking about old books, Pulp Mortem and Secret Fire Books. We will be doing a book club review of the Deathworld trilogy and I can tell you right now, there probably won’t be very nice things said. Ha! If you love to hear books get skewered keep an eye on our channels for the upload. Hopefully in about two to three weeks.

Last up we hit The Bookery in Fairborn twice. As previously mentioned, the owner has been slowly pulling up boxes from the basement and pricing them to move. I’m loving every second of it.

Got an upgrade on my copy of Shot in the Dark. Iconic cover!

Coincidentally I grabbed a book that was pictured in the latest issue of Paperback Parade, About the Murder of the Circus Queen.

I found my first first edition Assignment Series.

Got a deal on this Richard Matheson horror story collection, Shock Waves. They actually had an earlier edition but I liked this cover art better.

Two DAW Thomas Burnett Swann books for a buck a piece.

Another dollar buy for a book by The Gordons who I’ve been wanting to check out.

I liked the sass of the title on this You Can’t Keep the Change book by Peter Cheyney.

Triffid writer John Wyndham with some more sci-fi horror in Out of the Deeps

I’m not really a fan of superheroes but this Batman was a buck and it’s in paperback form. It also looks like it’s from the Adam West era or abouts so that’s fun.

Upgraded my copy of the 2nd Avon Fantasy Reader. I find this book often, but this is by far the cleanest copy.

Quintessential sci-fi cover art with The BIG EYE by Max Ehrlich

Beat up copy of an HP edition we didn’t have

Sleazy spy action with the Man from T.O.M.C.A.T

Another upgraded copy. The Thinking Seat by Peter Tate.

I was very excited to find this Towers of Silence by David St. John. The Bookery puts sticker on the back of all of their bagged books that has info about the book like cover artist, which edition, which printing and if it’s a pseudonym. I didn’t know that David St John was actually E Howard Hunt! The CIA spy character Peter Ward is essentially an occult detective. This is the freaking X Files, man!! Written by the real-world Smoking Man. Coincidentally I had another of the Peter Ward series books sitting on my nightstand in the cue. I’m halfway through and it rules so hard. Review coming soon.

We added a bunch of HP editions we didn’t have

Picked up this Manor Books Daughters of Cain by Myriam Lynch

Never pass up a Con Sellers!

I didn’t know anything about this, but I liked the name Johnny Fedora and it’s a spy dealing with Nazi treasure so bonus.

Arthur Machen’s horror collection vol 2

And we grabbed three pulps.

And that’s it! Some pretty big wantlist scores for me this month. I just booked our hotel and registrations for PULPFEST in Pittsburgh for the beginning of August so that’s very exciting. We’ve never been to one. If you see me there say hello! I’m that guy in our YouTube review videos.

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