Monday, June 17, 2024

Book Haul for April & May 2024

Another big haul of smelly old books! Did we over do it again?? Uh yeah, duh. That’s how we ROLL. But as I was looking at this list and feeling a tad bit guilty, I remembered that this is actually two months’ worth since we didn’t do a haul in April. So, that makes me feel a little less guilty even though, who are we kidding, I was never really guilty in the first place and I was just saying that for your benefit. BOOM. Let’s go. Video version:

First up. Bonnetts Books in Dayton Ohio. My wife had a three-hour hair appointment down the street so I had tons of time for digging AND I had been itching to stop by since they posted a grip of scandalous female protagonist Adult Westerns.

We got FOUR of the mildly offensive White Squaw series and one of the Head Hunter by E.J. Hunter which is a house name. The sexual inuendo blurbs on the cover of adult westerns are everything. “She won’t take cock and bull from any man!”

Fancy Hatch by Zachary Hawkes. Words that rhyme with slang for female anatomy for 500 Alex.

I grabbed one of the Lone Star series which up until Kevin from Bonnetts pointed it out to me, I never noticed that it wasn’t Longarm. He said, she travels around with a karate guy and sleeps with everyone but him. Poor bastard!

And last of the adult westerns a male protagonist, the Shelter series by Paul Ledd. “Shell dives head first into a treasure-filled chest.” Zing!

We added another Kojak series entry to the collection.

Two more Mike Shayne 70s photo covers and one elongated classic Dell size.

After reading the Vietnam issue of Men’s Adventure Quarterly I was in dire need of finding some of those Vietnam paperbacks mentioned in Paul Bishop’s article, so I found three Black Berets and one Black Eagles.

Bonnetts is rich in Men’s Adventure books that look like they’ve been sitting there since the 90s. I also grabbed Mercenary no 3, Swamp Master no 1, The Rat Bastards no 14, The Last Ranger no 5, Survival 2000 and Blood Oath.

Grabbed one horror book, Razor’s Song.

One thriller with enticing killer artwork, The Running of the Beasts.

And lastly a sleaze novel by Frank Kane, Liz.

Up next, I snagged some books from someone selling a few select items from their collection in a FB book group.

Added Hawk no 4. I bought some more about a week later that will be in next months haul so I’m pretty close to completely the run.

Kung Fu featuring Mace no 2, The Year of the Snake.

Two Ninja Masters! One from the original run of the series and one from the second run of the series.

Gritty John Whitlatch cover for Tanner’s Lemming no 3

Last month was free comic book day which isn’t really my thing but Bell Book and Comic is mostly a comic shop so they were having a sale. 35% off paperbacks. Even though I’ve thoroughly picked the place clean finally, we swinged by to grab some of those higher priced books that I’m usually too cheap to buy, including this Panther edition of Lovecraft’s Dagon.

Masters of Terror vol 1- William Hope Hodgson published by Corgi

A black magic novel of terror, Scream and Scream Again by Peter Saxon- I almost typed John Saxon. Oh man, I wish John Saxon had written books. I bet they’d be tough as all get out.

My first Jim Thompson, The Alcoholics. I passed this up a few times. As a recovering Alkie myself the thought of reading a story centered around living that shit life seems absolutely dreary but after recently reading a bio on Jim Thompson I decided I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to read/own one of his books.

Got a sci-fi/horror von Vogt, Masters of Time

And on the cheaper side of things, I upgraded my copy of Gloryhits

A short bio from the era on the Who

An evil and ridiculous looking sci-fi, Walpurgis III

And lastly a DAW that I was mesmerized by the cover.

We have consistently been going to the Bookery a couple times a month as they have been pulling boxes up from their basement and it’s been amazing.

We got some backwoods sleaze with Shack Baby

Iconic cover here for Day Keene’s Wake up to Murder

Wade Miller- Kiss Her Goodbye and Devil May Care

Mapback-The Chinese Doll by Wilson Tucker

And a few new dollar scores with Three For the Money and a Shell Scott & Chester Drum crossover

Lastly, we headed South to Cincinnati for the immersive Monet Exhibit and since we were right there, we stopped by the Ohio Bookstore. I planned poorly and we only had about twenty minutes, so I was grabbing books without really thinking about it. I got a couple in here that I probably wouldn’t have gotten if I wasn’t in such a hurry, and some are in horrible condition. Also, that giant marker on the covers is actually on the covers. I thought I could get it off but so far, no good. Anyway…

Excellent looking espionage fiction with the Lofoten Run by Robert Middlemiss. Dude looking like Chet Baker about to pop a cap in somebody's ass and then play a trumpet solo.

Grabbed a few Gordon Davis books whom I just learned is either Len Levinson or E Howard Hunt. So, hell yeah.

I liked Aim to Kill’s Hitchockian artwork

2nd Printing of Murder on the Line by William L Rohde

Beat up but evil looking Mapback- The Mirabilis Diamond by Jerome Odlum

Double Kill by Daniel da Cruz. High voltage.

I liked the Asian look on this Joan Kahn- harper Novel of Suspense

Photographer crime solver Kent Murdock in Focus on Murder by George Harmon Coxe

Agatha Christie looking murder mystery with Pick your Victim by Patricia McGerr

Day Keene- Take a Step to Murder

I was highly amused by this Airport Cop by Charles Miron but it is in terrible condition. I should have just left this one. I tried cleaning and repairing it but I think it’s a lost cause

I actually did end up getting the marker off of this Snowkill by Ron Faust after scanning it.

I liked the look on this 70s photocover Box 100. I also love the word Gumshoe and it’s in the hype sentence on the cover

Very excited to get this Handyman no 5 by Jon Messmann

Sometimes you have to kill a bunch of mother fuckers to make peace says the Peacemaker no 1 by Adam Hamilton

Another Snow Kill but this time it’s the Freedom Rangers. You think they were trying to appeal to that Patriotic market?? Not subtle at all.

Also shameless, someone in the Fawcett marketing department decided to throw Godfather font on this Corsican Takeover by Don Smith.

Super bummed on the condition of this Death- As in Matador. But it’s still readable so, it’ll have to stand in until we find a better one.

I bought a double in my haste. I already own this Martinis and Murder albeit a different cover. Eh, maybe I’ll keep both.

One man verus the mob action in Empire of Evil by Sterling Noel

Another Henry Kane- Trinity in Violence

Grotesque spy cover art on this A November Wind by Paul Geddes

Spooky photo cover art on this Spanish Chapel by Dorothy Daniels. Our one and only gothic buy of the haul.

Love love love this artwork by Harry Bennet on the cover of Night Walker by Donald Hamilton.

Instead of just laughing and moving on I threw this Man Who Called Himself Devlin into the cart. He looks like Clark Griswold out in that New Mexico desert with a gun. Who knows, maybe it’s awesome?

Another oopsy. Al Palmquist was a Jesus cop turned writer. This book was published by a religious company. It’s all about saving hookers and criminals from their sinner life. Might be good for a chuckle.

Super 70s The Face of Night with suggestively offensive tagline- A tough cop in the midnight world of the ghetto. Eesh. But also, I wanna read it. Ha.

We also got three Weird Tales pulps from and a Fantasy reader with Robert E Howard. All of that and more not pictured here in the Youtube video:

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