Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Blue Sunshine by Ken Johnson

Blue Sunshine was a horror b-movie which was released in 1977, written and directed by Jeff Lieberman. It is essentially a noir in plot wherein a normal guy at at a party, suddenly loses his mind and kills three girls. Our protagonist is the first to discover the bodies and a fight ensues with the lunatic getting killed in the process. Now the cops think our straight man is the killer and he’s on the run trying to avoid the cops and figure out what made his once normal friend lose all of his hair and become a psycho killer.

If you’ve never seen the movie, it’s bonkers and unintentionally funny in parts but man is it charming. My wife and I quote it all the time.

Ken Johnson, author of this novelization, is proving to be a difficult author to look into. He’s not showing any other books on Goodreads. When you Google him, a Christian author shows up and I seriously doubt it’s that guy and then there is also, Kenneth Johnson who was a screenwriter and director most well known for creating the show V. My money is it’s this Kenneth Johnson who authored this book but I’m not a 100 percent on that. ***update at bottom of post

The novelization review?!

Meh. It was the movie. It was literally someone telling you almost word for word what was in the movie. It didn’t really add anything or take anything away. And why does it say on the cover, “Now a Major Motion Picture” as it was a major motion picture first?

I was going to go ahead and give a summary of the storyline but there is no way to do that without telling you what Blue Sunshine is and once you know that the mystery is spoiled.

So, just go watch the movie

Dale Books 1978

***Kenneth Johnson update: I found this amazing blog post about him after I got a comment on Youtube giving me Kenneth Johnson’s middle initial. So, it was actually NOT the screenwriter but WAS a Kenneth Johnson. Check out this Nocturnal Revelries post about Kenneth Raynor Johnson

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