Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Scout #21: Wildcat Widow by Buck Gentry

The Scout was an Adult Western series with 34 entries from 1981 to 1992. I did a quick look to see who Buck Gentry was but found nothing. Maybe a pseudonym? Maybe a house name? Maybe a guy who only wrote The Scout series and then quit or died or moved to Wyoming and became a rancher. I don’t know.

This was my introduction to the series and adult Western as a whole. I didn’t even know such a thing existed until hearing about it on the Paperback Warrior podcast. I really hope they start doing episodes again. It was great to listen to while working.

“The Scout” is Eli Holten. He’s a Scout for the military in the Dakotas. Basically, a guy who knows the terrain, environment and people real well and gives information to the Army. He also has a gigantic dick.

He’s putting that big dick to work on a young lass right at the beginning. After a night of unending pleasure, she tells Eli she can’t wait until they’re married and also that she’s only sixteen. Eli is in his mid to late thirties and is appalled that she is so young (like he couldn’t tell.) He’s also not into the idea of getting hitched. But tough shit Eli because her dad is on the other side of the door with a shotgun and a priest. Eli pulls up his britches and jumps out the window a-running.

Back at the Fort Eli is summoned by the General. He’s given an assignment. The Sioux and The Crow tribes are attacking each other and it’s getting out of hand. They can’t let any white people get hurt (literally what they say) so them Eastern tenderfoots in Washington send out a council of fat lazy congressmen to have a meeting with the Native chiefs to end the killing. Obviously, the last thing Eli wants to do is babysit a bunch of politicians, but they need him for his know-how.

One of the politicians is a stand-up guy who is an ex-soldier. Two of them are complete pieces of shit only interested in exterminating natives and taking their land. The last one is on the fence. In typical Western style of clear-cut moral lines; the bad guys are rotten to the core and the good guys are of pure heart…except for that whole sex with underage girls thing, of course.

Many of the chapters are the natives going at each other and it is brutal. The kills are way worse than any horror book. The first person to get it in the book is a teenage boy who takes a shotgun barrel explosion to the chest by an opposing war tribe who just so happens to be watching a group of children playing before they massacre them. Yeesh. Children and women slain. People scalped. Rapes. All in vivid detail. Not to go off on a ponder here but it struck me that the people who buy and read these lurid western tales are probably more on the conservative side and would be quick to condemn something like The Evil Dead movies which are cartoonishly gory whereas this is very real. It’s odd what people consider acceptable and not. Anyway! Who’s horny because…

Eli beds every available lady in this book. In fact, he fucks all but one of the female characters with his giant unending boner. The sex is somewhat graphic but not porn. It’s pretty ridiculous but entertaining, nonetheless. Not to spoil anything but there is a hilariously offensive scene where this white woman gets captured by some Pawnee. They go to rape her, and she realizes how turned on she is and thinks, look at all these dicks, this is what I’ve always wanted, even little boys. Dude. Haha! What?! It’s so fucked but so dumb it had me dying laughing.

So yeah, if you’re into extreme violence and not so extreme sex this book is for you. And, you know, cowboy stuff too.

Zebra 1986

Review by Nick Anderson


  1. Buck Gentry was a house name used by Robert Skimin, who I believe started the Scout series, and Mark K. Roberts. The U.S. copyright website lists someone named Steve Clark as the author of some of the Scout novels, but I'm not familiar with him or his work. I don't know who wrote this particular entry, but from your description I'd lean toward it being Mark Roberts.

  2. Do you know which SCOUT Novel features the Five Thorne Sisters ?? -- Thanks !!
